Monday, July 14, 2014

Basic Physics: Part 0, Section 2: Vectors and Coordinate systems

In the previous sections, I cover some basic algebra topics and necessary trig functions.

In this section, I'm going to lay out some basics of coordinate systems and vectors. I'm pairing these concepts because vectors without coordinate systems are a little esoteric for this series, and coordinate systems are necessary, but easily dealt with, at least compared to things like trig functions.

These two concepts are needed because when we talk about a problem and set out to solve it, we need a way to describe where things are, where they are going and how they are getting there. The combination of vectors and coordinate systems allows us to know exactly what we are referring to  and what it's relation is to anything else that might be relevant to the problem. Without this tool, problems in more than one dimension can easily become a hopeless jumble.

Let's start with coordinate systems. There are many possible coordinate systems of which  11 of which are commonly used and  only 1 of which we need for right now. That coordinate system would be the Cartesian coordinate system, apocryphally realized by M. Rene Descartes  (he of "I think therefore I am" fame) as he lay in bed watching a fly buzzing above him. It was also realized by M. Fermat, though he failed to publish it. If you ever had to plot things by hand in a math class, you have used the two-dimensional cartesian coordinate system! The cartesian coordinate system can be thought of as a grid system in 3 dimensions, that lets you specify a  location based 3 numbers, one for each dimension. You can think of it as giving someone a latitude, longitude and altitude. You have given them all the information they need to locate a particular spot on planet earth. (I will officially note that the earth is NOT a cartesian system, since the lines of longitude are not parallel but intersect. But for small distances, say NYC, it is a decent approximation).

Formally, a location in any coordinate system  is the intersection of three orthogonal planes. Orthogonal, for our purposes, means that the lines/planes intersect at \( 90^{\circ}\) to each other. Think of the walls in your house. Your walls (hopefully!) intersect your floors at right angles most of your walls will intersect each other at right angles, unless you have a very interesting house. So your walls are orthogonal to each other and they all orthogonal to the floor.

An example is probably the easiest way to show this. Let's start with a basic three-dimensional (3D) cartesian coordinate system:
In the picture above, I have drawn the same coordinate system from two slightly different perspectives. The top one you are staring down the barrel, so to speak, of the z-axis, looking at the x-y plane straight on. In the bottom one the picture has been rotated \(45^{\circ}\) about the y-axis so you can see along the z-axis as well. This becomes very useful if you are talking about things in 3D, while the top one is fine if you are only worried about two dimensions.

Another word about terminology and notation. What is an axis, and why are those letters wearing hats? As with a lot of math-stuff, it comes down to the dual needs for conciseness and precision. Let's start with the hats. When you draw a coordinate system for a problem and you label the axis, you are defining your directions. It's as if you are creating a mini universe and saying "this is East/West, this is North/South and this is Up/Down". But rather than label things in poetic victorian manner as "easterly direction" mathematicians and their ilk like to label things with letters. So "easterly direction" becomes "x-direction", but that's still too wordy. So 'direction' becomes 'axis', and that can get further shortened with vector notation as \( \hat{x} \) said "x-hat".  So an axis defines the direction of your coordinate system, but it also serves as a point of reference, much like the equator, the Greenwich meridian, and sea level  serve as reference points for finding places on the earth. So if you are on the x-axis, you are not moving in a y-direction or a z-direction. If you want to give a location in the coordinate system, you can notate it either as \( \left\langle a, b, c \right\rangle \) or you can use vector notation, to get a little ahead of ourselves: \( a \hat{x} + b \hat{y} + c \hat{z} \). The latter notation is preferably simply because it is more flexible, as we shall see.

Getting back to our example. Let's say we want to find a point \( \left\langle 3, 2, 2 \right\rangle\) (\( 3 \hat{x} + 2 \hat{y} + 2 \hat{z} \) ). For the moment we don't care what the units are. We start by locating the \( x = 3\) plane, that is, the plane that contains every point of the form \( \left\langle 3, b, c \right\rangle \) where \( b \), \(c\) are every real number. Then our diagram looks like this

with the red dot noting the point where the plane intersect the x-axis  in the bottom view, since it's a little hard to see. Next, we locate the \( y = 2\) plane.

The blue dot notes it's intersection in the y-axis in the bottom diagram because again, it's hard to tell. It's much easier to see in the top image, but there' a reason why the bottom diagram is actual preferable in some ways. This can be most easily seen when we try to add in the last point, the \( z = 2\) plane to give us our three-plane intersection.
Amazing what you can do with a basic drawing program and a little insanity.
The top image doesn't really allow us to visualize that last necessary dimension. You can mentally add it, but you can't draw it into the top one. The bottom one you can see the last plane and pinpoint their intersection (marked with a black dot here). 

That's pretty much all there is to coordinate systems. They let you pick a frame of reference so you can locate things in a mini-universe for the purpose of problem solving. What I find particularly neat is that you can place your coordinate system anywhere you like and the problem will still be solvable. It may be easier to solve from a computational standpoint if you center it nicely, but you don't have to. Why this is the case is something that I'll get into more when we start doing physics properly. 

Now, on to vectors. If a coordinate system gives you a frame of reference, vectors are what let you move around in that frame of reference and deal with more than just static problems. Now, what they are precisely requires linear algebra and is way outside the scope of this series, so we are going to stick to just definitions and not get into the nitty gritty. So, here goes.
A vector pairs a quantity with the direction that quantity is in, going or pointing to. A vector has both "magnitude" (quantity) and "direction". So long as you can describe a quantity as having these two qualities, you can express it as a vector*. We've already shown how we can describe position as a vector. You can also describe velocity as as a vector. "He's going 80 miles per hour" gives you a speed (a magnitude). "He's going 80 miles per hour due north" gives you a magnitude and a direction. We'll get more deeply into what physical quantities can be described using vectors in the first section of Part 1. 

For now, let's just work with two arbitrary vectors and see what we can do with them. As discussed in the algebra post, we'll use letters to stand in for numbers that we can plug in later. 
$$\vec{v} = a \hat{x} + b \hat{y} + c \hat{z}$$
$$\vec{w} = d \hat{x} + e \hat{y} + f \hat{z}$$
The little arrow above \(v\) and \(w\) indicates that they are vectors. In math everything has its own shorthand because you never know when you will want to deal with something in its entirety, or just don't want to write out the whole thing for the umpteenth time. 

So, what can we do to these things? Well, we can add them. The trick is that you can only combine things attached to like 'hats'. So you combine all the x-hat components, all the y-hat components and all the z-hat components, but you can't combine x-hat components with non-x-hat components. So 
$$\vec{v} + \vec{w} = a \hat{x} + b \hat{y} + c \hat{z}+d \hat{x} + e \hat{y} + f \hat{z}$$
$$\hspace{10 pt} = (a+d) \hat{x} + (b+e) \hat{y} + (c+f) \hat{z}$$
Subtraction works the same way:
$$\vec{v} - \vec{w} = a \hat{x} + b \hat{y} + c \hat{z}-d \hat{x} - e \hat{y} - f \hat{z}$$
$$\hspace{10 pt} = (a-d) \hat{x} + (b-e) \hat{y} + (c-f) \hat{z}$$

At this point you are probably wondering about multiplication and division, since addition and subtraction have been relatively straight forward. The answer is that there are two types of multiplication for vectors, and no types of valid division. Why this is starts getting into linear algebra and "outside the scope of this course". So I'm going to ask you to trust me on this one, because it's absolutely true even if I can't show you right now why it's true. They are also rather more involved than vector addition/subtraction, so I am going to move them to their own post so we can really take our time with them. 

I hope that this all was clear. If it wasn't, please let me know in the comments!

*There are also a few things that we'll get to over the course of this series that you wouldn't think you could describe as vectors, but they behave identically to the ones we deal with here. 

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