Basic Physics

Basic Physics is a series of posts in which I try to explain physics and the math needed to do physics in such a way that anyone who has gotten through high school with no more math than algebra can understand. It will cover the math, then the topics usually covered in a calculus based introductory mechanics class, then the topics in a calculus based introductory electromagnetism and circuits class. In other words, the first year of a physics or engineering major's education in physics.

To do this I am ably aided by my editorial consortium, to which has been added a LaTeX and technical editor, sirluke777. Together they ensure that I am explaining things both clearly, and correctly.

Below is the index of all the posts to date, as well as the ones coming up in the next few weeks. I try to update weekly, as my grad school schedule and life allow.


Section 0--The Math
Part 0 - Algebra
Part 1- Trigonometry
Part 2- Vectors and Coordinate Systems
Part 3- Vector Multiplication
Part 4-Derivatives
Part 5-Derivatives-Exponential Function
Part 6-Derivatives-Trig Functions
Part 7-Integration in One Dimension
Part 8-Integration in Two and Three Dimensions

Section 1--Introductory Mechanics

Section 2--Introductory Electromagnetism and Circuits

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