Sunday, September 29, 2013

Beautiful Sunday Morning

Fall has miraculously come to the Carolinas before November this year. I'm told it has in the past, but for the two years I've been here cool mornings and falling leaves happened well after people were putting away their Halloween decorations.

For the last week or so, its been in the fifties at night, and the mid to high seventies during the day (about 13 C and 25 -ish C if you are a metric system person). Our air conditioner doesn't go on at night, you start wanting to actually get under the covers and you appreciate that dog at your feet. The air is beautifully brisk when I put the dog out in the morning, and still is when I walk her after breakfast. Most morning there is a fine mist, not thick enough to be fog and not humid enough to be haze that gives our neighborhood with all its tall, old trees the look of a fairytale forest when the sun shines through.

Of course, it also means that things are starting to look dead. Especially since after a very rainy summer we are going through a small dry spell. So our grass is rather brown and dead looking. Our persimmon tree in the back started to lose all its leaves, as is a tree of our neighbors  which overhangs our yard. So if the sun isn't shining brightly, from the functional part of my kitchen our backyard looks pretty dismal at the moment.

So imagine stepping outside after seeing this dismal sight while getting the coffee going, thinking it was completely cloudy out, and seeing this:

The first is there to show how depressing my yard is. The second is my attempt to capture the sky on a camera that is more than a decade out of date.

It's hard to believe the day will be anything but nice after something like this.

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