Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Midweek Thoughts

I have two food related posts and one physics post (yes, an actual physics post for my physics blog, shockingly) waiting in the wings, but I am too tired and preoccupied to do them justice until the weekend when I have more time to think them out properly.

Still, it felt odd not to write. When I was a kid, I wrote almost every day. Not diary type stuff, stories. But still, it felt right to write. Now that I am kind of back in the habit, when I don't write something I miss it. If it weren't for the wealth of science bloggers out there, I would feel very alone. With one exception, no one I know in my department finds writing to be easy, let alone enjoyable. Almost every core class made us write some sort of paper because "science majors don't usually have much experience with writing", and the spoken assumption is we don't read for fun and we certainly don't write.

Apparently there is a lot of thing science majors don't do, particularly female ones, though each department has so few the sample size is too small to really get statistics out of it. I have a life, for one, and am happily married. I am a person of faith. I cook and am decently versed in most needle crafts, to the point I make most of my clothes. And then there are the things I don't do. As an optics person, I must love cameras. I don't. I find them useful tools, and wish I could upgrade my rather dismal one, but I just cannot get excited about F/#s. As a hard science chick, I must love computer games. Again, not so much. And above all, I should not know anything about grammar, literature, or philosophy. Any paper I write should only be semi-intelligible and be almost entirely underlined in green when viewed as a Word doc.

Oh well. Let them have their games and their ramen. I'll enjoy a nice stew and write something. Writing on this blog seems to have rekindled whatever creative spark I had that college tried to kill, because stories have started floating back through my mind. Not fully formed, the way they used to, more half stories. The idea of an idea that might one day present itself as a story to be told. Until then, I'll keep writing about theology and cooking and the occasional physics post. If nothing else, it serves as a way to wind down when I feel like I am being pulled in multiple directions at once between my teaching, research, studying for my qualifier and the dozen daily chores of life.

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