Monday, September 30, 2013

Jogging, take upteen point 1

Jogging has never been my thing. For one thing, I never learned how. That nice critical period between full-out kid running all afternoon and learning to adult jog in high school never happened for me. I wasn't able to walk unaided for about 50% of high school, so you can understand how jogging was out of the picture. I tried to pick it up a couple of times in college, but ice and subfreezing temperatures did little to encourage me. I tried again last year, knowing that I should get more aerobic exercise, and it would tire out my dog quicker, but a couple of weeks in my knee when 'pop' and wouldn't really bend for a week or two, so that was that.

On top of all this (which in my mind was plenty sufficient reason to never tie on jogging shoes again) is the fact that I hate athletic clothes. Or more specifically, pants. I do not look good in athletic pants, though I can pull off a rocking pair of jeans. I also just hate wearing pants. They are the only things (pace an over-laced corset top bridal gown) that are capable of making me feel claustrophobic. I have never liked them, and I suspect never will. I wear ankle to tea mid-calf length skirts and dresses all day, everyday unless I am gardening, which is just necessity.

I've been toying with the idea of trying, again. One, because I know I should do more aerobic exercise than just walking. Two, I need to wear my dog out. I was putting it off knowing I would need to get warm weather appropriate exercise clothes (no, I do not just have shorts lying around. Especially not ones that fit). When I discovered that Target sold running skirts, which there is essentially a miniskirt with running shorts underneath and a nice flowy top, I was willing to take it as a sign. I have also found that the internet* sells knee length running skirts, should I be able to keep this up. That will be my reward if I can learn to run 3 miles without slowing to a walk or stopping.

So this afternoon, a gloriously sunny warm but not hot afternoon, I started again. I put on my running clothes, tied on my shoes, and got Penny on the leash. I grabbed a house key on a carabiner, and tied a doggie bag to the leash, and we were off to the races.

There is a large block in our neighborhood that is just under a mile around. I walk it several times a day already with Penny, so I thought she wouldn't get too distracted by smells (a dead garden snake was the only real pit fall in that category). I admit, I started out slow. One, to let me build up to running a full loop, and to train Penny how to jog. So my plan was to jog  6 houses (about 150 yards), walk 6 houses, and repeat for two loops.

First realization: running for me is a rapid walk for Penny. The only time she really ran was when we chased a squirrel together (which required me sprinting all out). So she need to learn that "Penny, ready, jog" was not the same as "Penny, let's run!" She mostly had the hang of it by the end of the second jogging section.

Second realization: I should probably brace the knee that went 'pop'. It didn't pop this time, but it was definitely a weak point.

Third realization: Jogging can almost be enjoyable. Maybe. And its quite effective at tiring Penny out (she sleeps by my side as I type this).

My plan is to repeat this every other day, making the jogging sections a little longer every time, until I can consistently run a solid two loops. Then increase from there. The other days I will do my usual walking.

Here's hoping I can keep this up. I kinda want that knee length running skirt.


*Please note, I am not endorsing this company in any way, they are just an example of the fact that I am not alone.

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