Anyway, jogging today was a little harder than on Monday. For one, it was about 10 degrees hotter. A cat crossed our path and completely distracted Penny. By which I mean she thought that since we were already running, we could chase the cat. So we had to go through the stop, sit, wait, ok, pull, stop, sit, wait routine for about 5 minutes until the cat was well gone, and Penny had forgotten about it. Oh well, lesson in leash manners. I shortened my intervals to run four houses, walk four houses, mostly because of the heat. I wanted both of us to last the two miles.
And we did. And I felt pretty good afterward, though feeling it in my thighs. I realized however that I have terrible running form. I'm going to need to work on that. Maybe ask some friends who run for advice. Penny is not nearly as tired as she was Monday, but she adapts quickly. She is going to be a big motivator in keeping going, both because it is fun to run with her and because it is nice to have her sleep or play quietly, and not try to jump on my desk.
Now let's see what happens on Friday. Learning to jog, one day at a time.
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