The first list of errands today was getting Penny up to date on her vaccines. I thought dogs were like cats--rabies and distemper, done. Nope. Also have to get bordetella and leptospirosis vaccines, at least in this part of the country. Now, I don't mind paying for these things. Vaccines are dirt cheap, especially compared to treatment. But I would love someone to explain to me why they can't make concentrated, single vaccines for these things, instead of individual, large doses. The doses they use would be large injection for an adult human, let alone a small dog.
Long story short, I was expecting one injection, Penny would pout for a few hours, and then be back to her old self. Instead, four injections and she's been lethargic and sad all day.
This is not her natural state. She didn't even perk up at the word 'walk' or the sound of the refrigerator door opening. Usually you have to walk her up and down a small mountain to get this level of not-moving in her. The only time she perked up was when I took her along for the Petsmart run, because she loves to be in my car. If we leave the car and garage doors open, she'll just go hang out in there. Asking her if she wants to go for a ride elicits the same response as asking if she wants to go for a walk. It didn't hurt that the Petsmart people were handing out some kind of new jerky treat sample packs.
I took her back to the house before doing the weekly grocery shopping. I go the same time every Friday. Its a bit of a drive to the grocery store where I can buy things like almonds in bulk, so I go between lunch rush and school getting out. The store is usually empty. Not today. Today even the usually deserted underground parking deck was packed. The isles were busy. I had to wait at the bulk bins. It was loud. It was not relaxing.
On the way back, I stopped at the local liquor store to get some B&B for hot toddies in the evening. Walking back to my car, a beat up old van, blaring hip hop of some kind, driven by two middle aged white guys who had clearly started the weekend early, drove into the parking lot. They wolf whistled (or tried too) and then shouted at me that I looked Amish, they liked my dress. I thanked them (what else can you do?) and left. For the record, while I do have some clothes that are Amish-esque, I was wearing a sundress from Kohl's that is not remotely Amish.
To top off my weird, not relaxing errand run, driving home a new commercial popped up, touting Bojangle's 'master biscuit makers' by asking if you've ever heard of a master bagel maker, and declaring that you haven't because it takes no skill to make bread with a hole in it. I couldn't take it. I started yelling at the radio, even though it had moved onto a car commercial. Bagels are not the same as bread. Bagels are boiled, then baked and there is a great deal of skill to making a good one. You can't even get one down here. They don't exist outside of the NY tri-state area. Do not mock bagels if you have never had one. And it takes zero skill to make biscuits from a mix.
Getting back from all this, I decided to put off jogging for a day. Penny is still just lying there. I don't feel all that chipper, and it is threatening rain. I know it's a bad to break routine, but it just wasn't going to work today.
If I can understand photonic bandgaps before I go to bed tonight though, I'll still count this day as a win.
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