Well, its down to the wire. In less than 24 hours it will be 75% over. I'll have crossed the Rubicon.
I taught my morning class today, which was a good thing because one of my students gave me the perfect opening to explain Maxwell's equations. Also, this group of students is not particularly shy. All my classes have asked what I did to my hand, this group got up the guts to ask, "So, did you know the pan was hot?" and comment on the duct tape. Engineers, and they aren't dependant on duct tape. What is this world coming to.
I got someone to cover my afternoon session, which was also good because it meant that I could come home and try to relax and drink Emergen-C, since I have a sneaking suspicion that I am coming down with something, and in usual form am putting it off until after the exam. This happens every time I have something big and stressful looming. Right after we closed on the house I came down with a wicked sinus infection. I'm just hoping I can maybe edge it out until after the oral portion as well.
I don't quite know what to do with myself. A part of me says 'study!' and another, I believe less panicky part, says if I don't know it now, I'm unlikely to learn it in the next 12 hours, and I should just relax and let my subconscious organize. I'll glance over some things in the morning, but nothing substantial is going to be learned now. I kinda wish I could just take it and get it over with. At this point I'm most worried by the fact that my fingers have started to regain some mostly pins and needles feeling. I'd rather not be suddenly feeling my burned fingers in the middle of explaining Young's Double Slit. Its not nearly as painful as when they were first burned, but it's enough to be distracting.
I know I know this stuff. I know that I have a lot of people praying for me. Now all I can do is pray and throw myself on the mercy of the Examining Committee.
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