Friday, August 23, 2013

Before dawn...

Much to the bafflement of my colleagues, I enjoy getting up early. These days I do it for practical reasons as well, but even in college when I didn't have to I would get up well before the sun most of the year. Partly its because I like getting up in increments. Get up. Have coffee. Check emails. Eat. Get shower. I dislike being rushed.

But mostly I like getting up before the sun because I like to watch the world come awake. Blackness gives way to grey, the birds start to wake up and get noisy. Sunlight starts to creep through my kitchen windows.

 Its the most peaceful time of day. Almost no one else is up. Trucks are still in their garages, the neighborhood dogs haven't woken up yet. Everything is still. Nothing is hectic before the sun rises.

And you know what? I'm ok if everyone would rather stay asleep. I get enjoy this time of day all by myself. Even days like today that are cloudy and hazy. Its possibly the only time of day when I don't feel like I need to be doing things, because no on else is.

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