Sunday, August 25, 2013

Resolution: Things I am NOT allowed to feel guilty about

If I believed in reincarnation, I'd think that I must have been a serial killer or a mass murderer or something horrible a previous life or two ago, because I certainly have enough residual guilt about *everything* to cover something horrible done a lifetime or two ago. I will apologize for anything and everything, including things done by other people and done by things like forces of nature. This excess of guilt overflows into pretty much every aspect of life. Most recently, it has been showing up in things like my diet, since I have to be fairly strict about what I eat, and the amount I exercise, study, spend cooking, etc, etc, etc.

Today, I started to feel guilty for eating an apple. An apple. Not even a huge one or a particularly sweet one. And apples have benefits for people with insulin issues. 

So I have decided to make a list of things I will not allow myself to feel guilty for. It may initially spawn some guilt for feeling guilty for feeling guilty, but oh well.

The I Cannot Feel Guilty About List

  1. Eating Apples or unsweetened apple sauce
  2. Eating fresh berries or cherries
  3. eating stone fruit with a little cream for desert.
  4. Eating vegetables, excepting winter squash and sweet potatoes. (what the heck do those count as anyway?! Vegetable or starch?)
  5. Walking "only" 4 miles a day.
  6. Eating eggs (residual guilt from my childhood when the media said eggs were evil, even though I never believed them).

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