Thursday, November 14, 2013

Pictures of Happiness

This week has been a rollercoaster of events and emotions, ranging from frustrated and angry to relaxed and happy. I'm going to focus on the happy things, because the frustrating things aren't going to go away anytime soon, except maybe my house will be quiet today if they can remove the last of the blowers/dehumidifiers that are kicking me out of my kitchen, making my house too loud to enjoy, and messing with the thermostats so some rooms are toasty warm and others are so cold there is condensation on the walls.

Anyway, happy thoughts.

As I mentioned in my last post, Dear Husband got his much belated birthday gift of a comfortable recliner, which he loves and Penny loves (and I love it too, but I have to wait to get my own).

This is the face of doggy comfort.

That thing by her face is one of her rope toys. Somedays she likes to carry them around and curl up with them like a child with a teddy bear.

She pretty much melted into the gap between my husband and the arm. If she had been a cat, she'd be purring.

 She didn't even budge when he got up for something.

then she used him as a pillow when he got back.

Tuesday night, it snowed.

Not much, but it was definitely snow.

For all you living-in-the-north people ready to mock me, no, this is not epic snow. But its snow, in North Carolina, in November, not in the mountains. And it lasted until 11 am the next morning.

Let me enjoy it.

Now I have a semi-reasonable hope for a white Christmas in Dixie.

Sometimes, you gotta focus on the happy pictures in life.


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