Sunday, November 10, 2013

Shower Saga, Part 2

The great shower disaster of 2013 continues. After removing the shower base, which helped a great deal, and ripping up my laundry room floor because the blowers blew the water under that floor too, it has been determined that in addition to the shower pan leaking, there is a leak in some weird pipe that we don't know what it connects to. It's a drain pipe, not a supply pipe, but it seems to be draining a wall, not anything visible, like a sink.

So we have a call into yet another plumber (courtesy of our warranty company) to come find/fix the precise leak so we can FINALLY move onto the repairing portion of our program. Its a little quieter upstairs because the blowers are behind closed doors, but still dry and annoying. The drying company is getting twitchy, though they are being paid so I don't know why.

The bright side of this today is that it spurred me to do ALL the laundry. And fold it. And iron it. And actually put it away. I can't actually put the sheets and towels away because there are blowers in front of the linen closet door, but they are ready to be put away as soon as I can open that door again. I usually stop somewhere around the folding step, and iron as needed.

I seriously hope that this thing can get to the 'hire contractors' stage, because I am beyond ready to be a construction zone, and not a disaster zone.

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