Monday, January 27, 2014

Cold Snap Snuggling

Our part of North Carolina has been caught in the bottom edge of the POLAR VORTEX for several days (we escaped today, but it's supposed to recapture us tomorrow). I'm told by natives that it used to stay below freezing for several days at a time back in the 80s, but it is very much colder than we had yet experienced here. And it is the first time that we are in a house with huge windows, instead of apartments with neighbors who cranked up the heat so much we had to open  windows.

All this to say, our house is  on the cool and drafty side at the moment. I foresee the installation of more insulation in our crawlspace and attic in the near-ish future.

In the meantime, rather than turn up the heat like most people, we have taken to bundling up inside, because we both grew up in houses that were cool in the winter (me because my parents just kept the thermostat low and told us to put on a sweater, he because the area of the world he grew up in gets chilly (damp 50s) in the winter, but the houses are not heated, and are in fact designed with cooling in  mind) so we'd rather bundle than turn up the heat. Also, SO much cheaper.

But while I put on an extra pair of socks, Penny goes straight for finding either a warm body to curl up with, or burying herself in blankets.

A favorite place seems to be the footrest portion of my husband's recliner, using his legs as a kind of warm pillow.

Lacking that, she'll do her best to nest in a blanket, and then look at us until we cover her the rest of the way, having opposable thumbs and all that.

Of course, this seems to be her favorite position at the moment--held like a baby in Dear Husband's arms, wrapped in a blanket.

Dog knows how to stay warm.

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