Saturday, October 12, 2013

Jogging, Day 6

Just like I said I would, I went jogging today. After yesterday's life-i-ness, all of us woke up feeling a whole lot brighter this morning. If yesterday was the antithesis of relaxing, today was a pretty decent approximation of the ideal. Slept late (7:30 am), made coffee and oat pancakes while my marvelous husband cleaned the bathrooms. Ate breakfast, and did some overviewing of photonics, during which the love of my life made me more coffee. I ran the last of the errands, which didn't get done yesterday, and got in a solid two hours of studying, which both made me feel more confident, and reminded me why I dislike modern optics. At that point, it seemed like the perfect time for a jog.

Who wants to multiply a bunch of these together and then have to plug in the numbers by hand? No one!

It is warm and cloudy today, which is perfect for me. Jogging was easier today, but also more tiring. I found I was breathing easier, but my legs felt tired almost immediately. Not sure if it was the studying, or because I'm just feeling a little off physically, but I definitely felt that burning sensation almost from the get-go. Penny started off strong, but was looking like she just wanted to lie down in the grass by the end.

I'm still debating if I want to up the level of difficulty next week (run 6, walk 2) or stick with what I'm doing now another week (run 5, walk 3). On the one hand, I want to keep the momentum of improvement going. On the other hand, next week is likely to be stressful already, I don't know that it'll be a good week to try to really change anything. I'll have to think about it. 

On the other hand, if it meant I could have more chocolate next week, it might be completely worth it. Ah, optimization problems, how I hate you.


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